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I had coffee around seven

I had coffee around seven
For a moment, it was heaven
But now it is eleven
And I cannot fall asleep
I think it’s caffeine that keeps
Me up because not a peep
Sounds from the folks upstairs 
Who never really care
To sort out their affairs 
With little to no noise
And their two little boys
Are always dragging toys
All over the floor
I cannot take it anymore
My partner also snores
Like an end-of-the-world earthquake 
Keeping me awake
Dreading the daybreak
I will not have much brainpower 
Even thinking about tomorrow
Living with the time I borrowed 
Damn you, coffee, why’d I have you
Warm and bitter, such a nice brew
But not worth it if I have to
Be exhausted the next day


Effort versus Outcome

Doing work is not the same as achieving an outcome.

Yesterday, I decided to move furniture around. I thought I’d enjoy lounging on the couch more if it was facing the window.

I did tons of work:
1️⃣ Cleared out the cupboard
2️⃣ Dusted the cupboard
3️⃣ Slid towels under the cupboard to avoid scratching the floor
4️⃣ Moved the couch
5️⃣ Moved the cupboard
6️⃣ Vacuumed the floors under the furniture
7️⃣ Tested the new couch placement

But in the end, I didn’t like the new setup. So I did some more work and moved everything back.

As you can see, much work was done.
But the outcome was… nothing. The room looks exactly the same as before.

Moral of the story:
Effort doesn’t always equal results. It’s not about how much or how hard you work; it’s about whether the work moves you closer to your goal.

Busy work can feel productive, but real value comes from outcomes, not just action.

How to Avoid Wasted Effort

What could I have done differently to avoid wasting time and energy? Here are some ideas:

1️⃣ Visualize the change first: Using a room planner app or creating outlines of furniture on the floor to simulate the new layout.

  • Downside: This does not fully capture the real look or feel, and I cannot physically test it.

2️⃣ Test minimally: Moving only the couch instead of rearranging everything.

  • Downside: Placement may still be inaccurate without moving other items, but it is faster and less effort-intensive.

3️⃣ Consider alternatives: How else could I enjoy the view from my window comfortably? Perhaps I could reposition an armchair or buy a bean bag instead?

  • Downside: Risk of the space being too cluttered, plus potential additional investment.

The same principles apply to work:
Before committing full effort, find ways to test the hypothesis or idea quickly and with minimal resources. This can save time and energy while providing valuable insights. Small, low-cost tests can prevent big, costly mistakes.

The Value of “Failed” Experiments

When re-arranging the furniture, I spent hours on a change I ultimately didn’t like. At first glance, it seems like a complete waste. But was it?

Why was it bad?

  • I spent time and energy that could have been used elsewhere.
  • It caused unnecessary disruption (the room was a mess for hours).

Why was it good?

  • I learned something important: this couch looks terrible facing the window. Now I know, and I won’t waste time considering it again.
  • It was an opportunity to reorganise the cupboard and to clean under the furniture, which likely wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

Even when work doesn’t lead to the outcome you hoped for, it can still provide valuable lessons. Every experiment, successful or not, adds to your knowledge and helps guide future decisions.

The key is to learn from what didn’t work, so you’re better prepared next time.

Fun fact: this cupboard is as old and tall as I am!

IKEA iseseisva elu stardipakk

Komistasin viimati IKEAs lihapalle mugimas käies uue toote otsa: iseseisva elu stardipakk. Komplekt koosneb hoiukastist ja erinevatest köögitarvikutest: potid-pannid, taldrikud-kausid-klaasid, söögiriistad, lõikelauad, rätikud ja muu mant. Kus selline stardipakk siis oli, kui mina ühikasse kolisin? Ah jah, meil polnud siis veel IKEAtki. Igatahes, IKEA stardipakk kasutab edukalt ära mõningaid tootepsühholoogia võtteid, nagu näiteks…


Mida motomatkale mitte kaasa võtta

Käisime Nordkappis (Kapis?). Kahe matkarattaga. Kokku kuue kohvriga, kõik asju täis, pluss veekindlad kotid saba peal. Ilmselgelt liiga palju asju pooleteise nädala jaoks. Niisiis, tagasi vaadates – mille ma oleksin pidanud maha jätma?


I quit after a month and you should, too

On the day I completed my 4-month probation, a colleague who had joined a handful of days before asked me for tips. I had two to give. First, don’t overthink it. Second, the company is also on probation. That is the whole point of probation – to assess mutual compatibility.

I quit a company while on probation and I believe we should talk more about it.


Unes või ilmsi: linnud meie katustel

Kevad algas linnavalitsuse teatega: “Ühistud, kontrollige oma katuseid. Kajakate pesi on lubatud lõhkuda ainult enne pesitsushooaega. Pesi on vaja eemaldada, sest poegi kaitsevad kajakad on inimeste ja loomade vastu agressiivsed.” Kes on jalutanud vanemate paneelmajade piirkonnas Musta- või Lasnamäel teab, kui palju erinevaid linde seal leidub – kõik omamoodi kisendamas, pasandamas ja haigusi levitamas.


Mida annab Circle K Pesupass?

Kes veel ei tea, siis Circle K paistab olevat oma autopesu-teisipäevad asendanud Pesupassiga – püsitellimusloogikal automaatpesula teenusega. Katsetasin seda kuu aega ja jagan meelsasti oma kogemust-arvamust nii mõnegi asja kohta, mida tankla koduleht on unustanud mainida.
