Life is a bowl of cherries
I had a headache the other day. A massive headache. A headache so bad I could not remember the last time I had such an awful headache. Possibly a migraine, a first for me. In any case, it was bad.
I had a headache the other day. A massive headache. A headache so bad I could not remember the last time I had such an awful headache. Possibly a migraine, a first for me. In any case, it was bad.
(more…)Hoiatus: oma vaimse tervise huvides on rangelt soovituslik mitte edasi lugeda, kui omad minuga veresugulust!
(more…)The prices shown on the web pages of Estonian telecommunication providers are usually twice as high as what the people actually pay. It is general knowledge that you must reach out to service providers and ask for covert deals to get cheaper mobile plans. I usually participate in the circle jerk of contacting providers for best offers every two years, but this time, Christmas came early!
(more…)Do you consider yourself polygamous? Polyandrous? Polyamorous? To me, the definition of “polygamy” has always been straightforward – one person being in a relationship with multiple others. Turns out that the concept of “polygamy” is more nuanced. It can be split up based on who is with whom and in what way.
(more…)It was about a week ago when I was strutting down the sidewalk all jolly and joyful, waving my arms around like a newly-appointed beekeeper who accidentally poked a wasp nest, when I must have lost my reflector. It probably got caught behind my flailing arms or was not secured well enough, and just popped off of the string that it was tied to.
(more…)“Minek on kümne minuti pärast. Kolmeteist, kui täpne olla. Kas sa oled valmis?”
Pille tormas alles närviliselt mööda tube ringi, käes kastekann, ja üritas paaniliselt meenutada, mis tal veel tegemata on. Riided said kohvrisse, hügieenitarbed samuti. Kõiksugu juhtmed olid seinast eemaldatud – juhuks, kui vahepeal peaks äikest tulema.
(more…)On the eve of June 6, I ordered sushi. I deserved it. I was about to get a year older. Quarter of a century – that’s a landmark to celebrate, they said.
(more…)Nägin unes, et posu pakse kodurotte oli tuulutusrežiimil oleva akna kaudu mu üürikorterisse roninud. Neid oli julgelt vähemalt kümmekond, vahest isegi paarkümmend. Istusivad nemad ilusti minu kodukontori töölaua all minu isikliku rotipuuri peal ja sees. Olid teised üsna kopsakad ja ilmselgelt hea toidu peal olnud. Ega vist pealinnas prügipuuduse üle kurta saagi. Ilmselgelt olid nad kellegi kodurottidest alguse saanud, sest värvitoonid ja markeeringud olid täpselt nagu kodustel närilistel. Ainus viga oli, et neil oli kõhu alt karv tükkidena ära kukkunud, nagu kannatanuks kärntõve või mõne muu vastiku nahahaiguse käes.
(more…)Yesterday, I went to buy myself some new glasses. My previous ones had slid off the motorcycle when I was taking off my helmet and landed right underneath my partner’s foot. Classic communication error combined with some bad luck. The back-up ones I have been wearing as a temporary replacement are several years old and remind me of a horse’s blinkers. The wide frames stop me from seeing to the sides and create blindspots making them extremely uncomfortable and even dangerous in traffic. So new glasses were needed, there was no question about that. But which ones to choose?