I had coffee around seven
I had coffee around seven
For a moment, it was heaven
But now it is eleven
And I cannot fall asleep
I had coffee around seven
For a moment, it was heaven
But now it is eleven
And I cannot fall asleep
I saw a post on Reddit the other day where a Grinberg practitioner was looking for volunteers who could help him try out an online session. Of course, I signed up.
(more…)I find it fascinating how the mind tricks us. When I close my eyes and meditate for 30 minutes, all sorts of peculiar things happen.
(more…)I have been having weird pains these last couple of days. It all began with my right wrist. I noticed it during yoga. There was a sharp pain whenever I had my wrist at an angle. It wasn’t intolerable, but it was also far from being pleasant.
(more…)There is an old Zen Buddhist story about how we tend to see events as either good or bad, not simply neutral happenings in life as a bigger whole. I have copied the story at the end of this post and I encourage you all to read it because what happened to me today was literally the same.
(more…)Take a few moments to be still. Congratulate yourself for taking this time for meditation practice.
(more…)Place a few raisins in your hand. If you don’t have raisins, any food will do. Imagine that you have just come to Earth from a distant planet without such food.
Now, with this food in hand, you can begin to explore it with all of your senses.
(more…)I went to a lesson of contact improvisation by Kahbam and Loby Lam. Contact improvisation is a form of improvised dancing that focuses on body awareness, sharing touch, weight, body contact, and movement.
(more…)Lately, I have been feeling dissatisfied. Restless. Anxious. Worried. Worn.
I feel like I am sitting in a pressure cooker. Yet I am unsure where the pressure comes from.