Showing 15 result(s)

Armastus on see, kui karu koopast välja tuleb rebane

Armastus on:

  • Kui kaaslane viib sind hommikul autoga tööle, et sa ei peaks tund aega bussiga loksuma, ja tuleb õhtul järele, kuigi ta on vahepeal juba ise teises linna otsas asuvasse koju läinud;
  • Kui aitad vabatahtlikult kaaslasel soojakusse tõsta kaks euroalusetäit valgusteid, mille ta töömehed keset vanalinna vedelema jätnud on;
  • Kui kaaslane teeb sulle õhtusöögi ja sinna kõrvale värskest sidrunimahlast ja kihisevast multivitamiinitabletist limonaadi;
  • Kui sa häbened oma koledat katkist huult ja pöörad pea ära, aga kaaslane teeb sulle ikkagi suule musi;
  • Kui su koer surub end kogu keharaskusega sinu vastu;
  • Kui kaaslane tuleb sinuga ehituspoodi kaasa, et aidata osta veevooliku pikendust, kuigi selle jaoks pole sugugi kaht inimest vaja;
  • Kui kaaslane lapib su puhtad riided ilusti hunnikutesse;
  • Kui kaaslane ostab omaalgatuslikult su jalgrattale uued korvid ja tuled, paigaldab need, puhastab ratta, õlitab keti ja hõõrub silikooniga läikima;
  • Kui kaaslane aitab raskeid mullakotte tõsta, et sa saaksid oma mõttetud taimekesed sajandat korda ümber istutada;
  • Kui kaaslane paigaldab su panipaikka uhked riiulid, kus peal oma senini hunnikus olnud kila-kola sorteerida ja hoiustada.
  • Kui kaaslane teeb hea meelega ära suuremahulised pahteldustööd, mis sinule üldse ei meeldi.

Mil moel sina armastust kogenud oled ja mis on sinu armastuse keel?

Mida annab Circle K Pesupass?

Kes veel ei tea, siis Circle K paistab olevat oma autopesu-teisipäevad asendanud Pesupassiga – püsitellimusloogikal automaatpesula teenusega. Katsetasin seda kuu aega ja jagan meelsasti oma kogemust-arvamust nii mõnegi asja kohta, mida tankla koduleht on unustanud mainida.



The prices shown on the web pages of Estonian telecommunication providers are usually twice as high as what the people actually pay. It is general knowledge that you must reach out to service providers and ask for covert deals to get cheaper mobile plans. I usually participate in the circle jerk of contacting providers for best offers every two years, but this time, Christmas came early!


Shine bright like a diamond

It was about a week ago when I was strutting down the sidewalk all jolly and joyful, waving my arms around like a newly-appointed beekeeper who accidentally poked a wasp nest, when I must have lost my reflector. It probably got caught behind my flailing arms or was not secured well enough, and just popped off of the string that it was tied to.


Dare to adopt a new perspective

Yesterday, I went to buy myself some new glasses. My previous ones had slid off the motorcycle when I was taking off my helmet and landed right underneath my partner’s foot. Classic communication error combined with some bad luck. The back-up ones I have been wearing as a temporary replacement are several years old and remind me of a horse’s blinkers. The wide frames stop me from seeing to the sides and create blindspots making them extremely uncomfortable and even dangerous in traffic. So new glasses were needed, there was no question about that. But which ones to choose?


Driving in Slush

My Slush certificate came in. It states that I did good in my volunteer position. While I agree with them that I was, indeed, excellent and maybe even surpassed my capabilities as a member of the Drivers team, I do feel that I should mention some things in regard to Slush and volunteering there in general.
