

The prices shown on the web pages of Estonian telecommunication providers are usually twice as high as what the people actually pay. It is general knowledge that you must reach out to service providers and ask for covert deals to get cheaper mobile plans. I usually participate in the circle jerk of contacting providers for best offers every two years, but this time, Christmas came early!


Holy poly! and the Dutch levels of dating

Do you consider yourself polygamous? Polyandrous? Polyamorous? To me, the definition of “polygamy” has always been straightforward – one person being in a relationship with multiple others. Turns out that the concept of “polygamy” is more nuanced. It can be split up based on who is with whom and in what way.


Shine bright like a diamond

It was about a week ago when I was strutting down the sidewalk all jolly and joyful, waving my arms around like a newly-appointed beekeeper who accidentally poked a wasp nest, when I must have lost my reflector. It probably got caught behind my flailing arms or was not secured well enough, and just popped off of the string that it was tied to.



“Minek on kümne minuti pärast. Kolmeteist, kui täpne olla. Kas sa oled valmis?”

Pille tormas alles närviliselt mööda tube ringi, käes kastekann, ja üritas paaniliselt meenutada, mis tal veel tegemata on. Riided said kohvrisse, hügieenitarbed samuti. Kõiksugu juhtmed olid seinast eemaldatud – juhuks, kui vahepeal peaks äikest tulema.



Kui kunstisaalis käisin viimati ma võõras linnas,
siis rahva hulgas märkasin üht halli peaga memme.
Picasso maali ees ta üksi seisis pikalt-pikalt,
imetledes pintslitõmbeid tehtud ammu enne
