

Kui kunstisaalis käisin viimati ma võõras linnas,
siis rahva hulgas märkasin üht halli peaga memme.
Picasso maali ees ta üksi seisis pikalt-pikalt,
imetledes pintslitõmbeid tehtud ammu enne


Selgeltnägijate uneproov

Nägin unes, et posu pakse kodurotte oli tuulutusrežiimil oleva akna kaudu mu üürikorterisse roninud. Neid oli julgelt vähemalt kümmekond, vahest isegi paarkümmend. Istusivad nemad ilusti minu kodukontori töölaua all minu isikliku rotipuuri peal ja sees. Olid teised üsna kopsakad ja ilmselgelt hea toidu peal olnud. Ega vist pealinnas prügipuuduse üle kurta saagi. Ilmselgelt olid nad kellegi kodurottidest alguse saanud, sest värvitoonid ja markeeringud olid täpselt nagu kodustel närilistel. Ainus viga oli, et neil oli kõhu alt karv tükkidena ära kukkunud, nagu kannatanuks kärntõve või mõne muu vastiku nahahaiguse käes.


To Leo

I saw you sitting in the corner today, panting, smiling, and looking at me. I read somewhere that dogs do not smile naturally. It’s a skill only some of you adopt by observing us, humans. You seem to have picked it up, too. Little do you know what effect it has on people.


Dare to adopt a new perspective

Yesterday, I went to buy myself some new glasses. My previous ones had slid off the motorcycle when I was taking off my helmet and landed right underneath my partner’s foot. Classic communication error combined with some bad luck. The back-up ones I have been wearing as a temporary replacement are several years old and remind me of a horse’s blinkers. The wide frames stop me from seeing to the sides and create blindspots making them extremely uncomfortable and even dangerous in traffic. So new glasses were needed, there was no question about that. But which ones to choose?


I’m coming home

Only a few things are better than sitting alone on my bed in front of an open window in my tiny studio in Amsterdam, watching the sun set behind the railway and a countless number of aeroplanes descend behind the three wind turbines, listening to crickets singing outside. These are moments of peace, serenity, and reflection for me. They truly make me appreciate the journey I am on, the opportunities I have seized, and the experiences I have had. But if this is all so nice then how come my heart still wants to return home to Estonia?


How violence is sometimes the correct answer

It was a splendid morning in the Netherlands. The weather was nice. The sun was shining.

Around 8 a.m., Eva was stretching her sleepy limbs. She heard people unlocking their bikes, seagulls fighting over garbage, and trains riding off to who-knows-where. A gentle wind squeezing in through the half-open window was caressing her forehead.

She had planned to be extremely productive that day. First, she would wrap up the opposition report. Then she would take out the garbage, have breakfast, and work on her thesis. Maybe even send out a couple of job applications?

Little did she know what this day had in store for her.
