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“Minek on kümne minuti pärast. Kolmeteist, kui täpne olla. Kas sa oled valmis?”

Pille tormas alles närviliselt mööda tube ringi, käes kastekann, ja üritas paaniliselt meenutada, mis tal veel tegemata on. Riided said kohvrisse, hügieenitarbed samuti. Kõiksugu juhtmed olid seinast eemaldatud – juhuks, kui vahepeal peaks äikest tulema.



Kui kunstisaalis käisin viimati ma võõras linnas,
siis rahva hulgas märkasin üht halli peaga memme.
Picasso maali ees ta üksi seisis pikalt-pikalt,
imetledes pintslitõmbeid tehtud ammu enne


To Leo

I saw you sitting in the corner today, panting, smiling, and looking at me. I read somewhere that dogs do not smile naturally. It’s a skill only some of you adopt by observing us, humans. You seem to have picked it up, too. Little do you know what effect it has on people.


A Metal Bird

A metal bird makes one last turn
as the final rays of a setting star
glance over its wings
disappearing into the soft milkiness
as light as a lovers’ first kiss
leaving behind a glowing belt of pink.

The night has arrived.
And so have I.


What is a tactile screen?

An understandable explanation
Figure 1. Examples of screens.

Screens surround us everywhere. There is the TV screen, the computer monitor, the annoying moving advertisement that takes up the whole wall of the building right next to the bus stop, and the part that we poke daily on our smartphones.

But what is a tactile screen?


Translating a poem from a language I do not speak

I had the opportunity to translate a poem for one of my projects (FireFlies). To be fair, we formulated the project in a way that created this opportunity. I adore writing little rhymes and poems myself and wished to try translating the work of others.

The only obstacle was that the original poem was in Old Dutch and I was very far from being proficient in Dutch. In fact, I only knew a couple of elementary words, such as please and thank you and how to ask for a marshmallow.


The Wildflower

In the middle of a vast field of greenery grew a bedazzling lone Wildflower. She was born deep in the ground.

“I am so lonely. The grass is so tall, and I am so small. I wish someone noticed me… I wish I had someone to talk to…”



This blog post is part of an application for Toptal Scholarships for Women: Empowering Future Female Leaders to Change the World.
