Walk Over Me
Walk Over Me is an interactive touch-sensitive light-up floor designed to support and inspire physical play.
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Project Team
David Ekman
Iza Grasselli
Annkatrin Jung
Aidan Kidder-Wolff
Eva Maria Veitmaa
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, September – October 2019
The WalkOverMe mobile application (WOM-app) is a remote controller that enables customising how the actual physical floor works, uploading new games to it, using it as a drawing canvas, and creating and viewing high scores.
The application design is developed iteratively in close collaboration with the targeted user group – non-tech-savvy parents. Prototypes include a modular paper prototype, Balsamiq wireframes, a responsive web application using HTML, CSS and Javascript, and a native Android mobile application with Firebase integration.
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Project team
David Ekman
Iza Grasselli
Eva Maria Veitmaa
Salim Yahya

Hug Me To Turn Me On
Solar-powered lights can be used in many different ways, not only as garden lights.
The Hug Me Shirt encourages intimate and close body contact by lighting up when the wearer is hugged. The spring-shaped coils are fun and pleasant to touch while the light itself is soothing.
Alternatively, the shirt can be easily modified to be a pillowcase, giving the owner a calming snuggle partner.
The shirt works on a principle of the lights turning on when the solar panel is covered. Since the solar panel is positioned on the stomach, the body of the hugger hides the sunlight and triggers the panel’s battery power.
Material exploration
Project Team
Eva Maria Veitmaa
Mario López Batres
Aidan Kidder Wolff
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, September 2019

Sofa Volume Slider
What if we could control devices with our soma?
What if simple interactions required the use of our whole bodies?
Sofa Volume Slider is a sneak peek into the world of physical interactions and encouraged conversations.
Project Team
Eva Maria Veitmaa
Martin Hyberg
Samuel Hertzberg
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, September 2019

FireFlies is an interactive multisensory experience that takes the visitor back to a 19th century tavern. FireFlies triggers the auditory, visual, olfactory, and somatosensory senses for a highly immersive experience by incorporating bright LED-lights, multiple sound effects, vibration backpacks, pushbuttons, and smoke.
The installation is designed for the Boerenkerkhof in Enschede. It revolves around the story of Hendrik Smelt, a local citizen, and his poem written about the city fire of 1862. The goal of the project is to bring alive the stories of the people buried at the cemetery while turning the place into a more attractive public park for both the locals and the tourists.
FireFlies is a homemade time-machine. At the door, the visitors’ attention is grabbed by the speaking portrait of Hendrik Smelt. He invites the guests to put on time-travelling backpacks and go back to the 19th century to attend a poem recital in his favourite tavern. Once inside, the visitors are presented with idle time-machine sounds, dim slightly blinking lights, and a big red button in the middle of the dark room. Pressing the button activates the time machine and with some accompanied vibration, visual and auditory effects, the visitors will be teleported to the cozy Haystack tavern.
Hendrik Smelt will start reciting his poem about the city fire accompanied by some tavern ambience sounds. Nine main buttons are lit up in blue colour on the surrounding walls. By pressing the button, the visitors turn on and off various looping background sound effects to compose a soundtrack for the poem. All these rhythmic background loops are sounds that can be commonly found in a tavern: clanking glasses, pouring beer, sharpening the knife, walking in clogs, snoring, and some musical instruments. When a button is pressed, also the clustered LED lights corresponding to the touched button turn red and start to flicker to simulate fireplace flames and warmth. When pushing the button again, the LEDs turn back to blue and corresponding sound loop stops.
The more buttons and, thus, sound loops are activated, the higher the valence of the poem and the louder and more intense the reciter’s voice gets. Hendrik Smelt is trying hard to be heard over the competing sounds of the tavern.
If all the buttons are activated at the same time, the poetry recital stops, and the cacophony of tavern sounds merge into the soundscape of a roaring fire with church bells, collapsing structures, screams, coughs, and animal noises. Hendrik Smelt ushers the visitors to follow him back to his time.
If the visitors do not activate all buttons at the same time and do not reach the point of the fire, Hendrik Smelt finishes his poem and thanks the audience for joining him. Therefore, the storyline of the FireFlies installation is strongly dependent on the actions of the visitors and may differ between visitors. This is an intentional design for sparking comparative discussions and wish to return again after the experience.
In any case, the user is presented with a recording of the epilogue explaining the city fire of 1862 and the Butterfly Effect – how small actions can have drastic consequences. The time machine returns to its original idle state and the experience can be started again.
FireFlies is designed to be as intuitive as possible, providing multiple affordances for interaction. The installation is created with alternative endings to fit a variety of visitor behaviours. In this way, the experience still provides a response even when no buttons are pressed.
Design Process:
Individual Reflection:
Being a group project, all of us contributed to the process of creating the experience. However, I had some key areas of responsibility.
Physical exploration. Providing the team with various materials and objects, such as vibrator motors, LED and flashlights, cloth, blow driers, during the ideation stage to explore the possibilities of physical interaction.
Text work. Translating the poem by Hendrik Smelt from Dutch to English, writing the prologue and epilogue texts.
Audio design. Finding the sound effect loops for the background composition; cutting, slicing, mixing and matching them together to fit a certain beat; creating the multi-layered soundscape of culmination fire; recruiting a voice actor, recording and editing the poem audio; tweaking the audio to work well with the speakers used in the installation.
Vibration and smoke exploration. Experimenting with Aura haptic feedback backpacks and a smoke machine to find ways of using them in our project, setting them up correctly with regard to settings and intensity.
Logistics and construction. Borrowing (power) tools for setting up the installation, building the roof construction, boarding up the walls, organising transport for delivering the large-scale installation to the graveyard.
Rubber ducking. Being a consultant and supporting hand to our main programmer Kasper Thomas de Kruiff, coming up with the code logic for automatically switching between alternative ending scenarios.
The project-related activities helped me develop drastically in regard to both interaction and experience design, but also teamwork and individual development. The challenges we faced and overcame made the process interesting and brought us closer together as a team.
Sound Design:
Paper review podcast:
Project team:
Eva Maria Veitmaa
Iza Grasselli
Laura Ham
Kasper Thomas de Kruiff
Jeroen Stoot
Dennis Vinke
Press Coverage:
Article and interview in U-Today:
“Giving a voice to the dead”
Article in the local newspaper Tubantia:
“Verhalen van overleden mensen op Boerenkerkhof in Enschede komen weer even tot leven”
Client: University of Twente and Stichting Historische Sociëteit Enschede Lonneker
Cover photo: © Cees Elzenga / hetoog.nl

MS Word Usability Testing
The built-in predefined styles feature of Microsoft Word lets users categorise parts of their document. This allows reusability – assigning the same style to different sections, such as titles, headings, emphasis. The formatting aspects (e.g., font type, line spacing, indents) of those predefined styles can be edited by the user.
This functionality is especially useful for formatting longer texts with a variety of sections that need special reusable styling, such as books or reports. With predefined styles, the user does not need to edit the style of each section manually. As a result, the document has a consistent and professional appearance.
This usability testing session was conducted during the course Human Computer Interaction to analyse how well Microsoft Word supports the users in these processes.

13” WHY
Redesigning Tinder for Digital Intimacy
The aim of this project is to redesign an existing application that enables forming and maintaining meaningful social connections to address a specific human need identified with methods from human centred design, especially dilemma-driven design (dr. Deger Ozkaramanli). The project is done in close collaboration with users to understand their goals, needs and use contexts so as to develop appropriate innovative solutions.
The design process consists of the following steps:
- Selecting an application to redesign (->Tinder);
- Assessing the chosen application from usability and user experience viewpoints;
- Interviewing and observing current users’ interactions with the chosen application to identify their emotions and underlying concerns, and discerning users’ dilemmas;
- Generating new design ideas and elaborating on possible use scenarios;
- Creating a design prototype and evaluating it with the targeted users.
The app chosen for this project is Tinder – one of the most popular dating apps among the current youth (La Roche, 2018). Tinder lets people “like”/”dislike” other people based on their profiles, and allows them to chat if both persons have “liked” each other (i.e. if a “match” has occurred). The user interface and swiping interaction has had a large influence on culture. Often, people use the term “swipe left/right” to indicate their like or dislike of everyday objects, situations, or people not only in smartphone applications, but also in real-life situations. It has changed the way many (young) people approach dating in general – the so-called “Tinder effect”.
However, Tinder is often seen as a superficial hook-up platform in which users are mainly focused on assessing the physical features of others. This negative reputation urged us to choose Tinder as the application to base our work on.
The aim of the project is to design for digital intimacy to enable forming and maintaining meaningful social connections via the use of smartphone applications. Taking into account the occasional negative reputation of Tinder, we defined meaningful connections as connections that are not only based on physical attraction and looks, but also on a “deeper”, more emotional level, such as common interests or viewpoints.
Final design proposal is a mobile application focused on initiating chats with other people.
Some of the features of the final design:
- Blurred images
- Audio-based descriptions
- Automatic positive reinforcement messages
- Random matches between currently online users
- Daily conversation topics
- Unlocking information about other users by answering questions about them
Dilemma Storyboard Features
Team members:
Eva Maria Veitmaa
Iza Grasselli
Annkatrin Jung
Laura Ham
Chloé Mélanie Dalger
dr. Deger Ozkaramanli

Note-Taking Habits
This case study on note-taking habits of a student at the University of Twente was a user research project carried out to familiarise myself with common user research concepts, measures and methods (course taught by prof. Jan Maarten Schraagen).
The goals of this study were to investigate why, when, and how students take notes and whether they collaborate on them, and to analyse how Microsoft OneNote and its functionality could help them in their note-taking process.
The project gave hands-on experience with user research in addition to the theory learned in class.
Most important knowledge gained:
- How to organise different user research activities
- How to compose unbiased questions
- Where and when to use qualitative or quantitative methods
Used methods:
- Diary study
- Semi-structured interview
- Field study
- Usability testing
Each method relied on the previous method meaning that every additional method was used to clarify findings from the previous or to explore aspects that previous methods did not reveal.

BSc Thesis
“Attacks regarding online tests and ensuring the integrity of results based on the example of TTÜ admission test”
Summarises the process of creating guidelines and specification for an automated invigilation system to detect various attacks against online tests and remote proctoring.
Compiled attack-defence trees with various scenarios, investigated existing proctoring solutions, conducted user tests with Tobii eye-tracking technology, developed prototypes with off-the-shelf technology.